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No Surprise Act Air Ambulance Case

HHC Group Air Ambulance Success Story

H.H.C. Case Managers are successfully negotiating settlements on air ambulance, emergency room and other out-of- network claims covered under the No Surprises Act. In this instance the air ambulance provider agreed to accept a payment amount below the Qualified Payment Amount (QPA) for their services. H.H.C.'s client saved our $39,999 (45.7%) while avoiding the time consuming and potentially costly Independent Dispute Resolution process entirely.

Claim Type: Emergency Out-of-Network

Provider Type: Air Ambulance

Location: Mid-Atlantic

Diagnosis: A non-traumatic hemorrhage of the brain stem

Provider Charges: $79,999

Qualified Payment Amount: $51,999

H.H.C. Adjusted Charge: $42,000

H.H.C. Client Savings: $37,999 (47.5%)

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